Thursday, April 20, 2006

Cool Links

For my family and friends who try to understand what exactly it is I do as the parent of a homeschooler who is unschooled.


Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Processes Lesson 2

A friend of mine recently turned me on to a tape series, Ask & It Is Given, which I found to be extremely insightful and beneficial even though its foundation is a bit too extreme for my liking. If you know the series you'll know what I mean. Anyway, the same friend and I have decided to utilitize the 22 processes offered in the series, we began last week with Process #1 - and practiced spending at least 17 seconds practicing the law of attraction as often as possible throughout the day.

17 seconds doesn't sound like much, but it is surprising how hard it can be to remain focused on one thought for that time without allowing another thought to sneak in.

This week we are setting up our magical creation boxes.

I've done similar exercises before and have to say - they work wonders.

The key suggestion for this particular exercise is to make sure that I am in a good emotional state when I am putting together the box or adding items to it.

I look forward to blogging my manifestations as they enter my life...okay really...I am looking forward to my wants, desires, and joys manifesting.

Monday, April 17, 2006

Taxes, taxes, taxes

Although I have had my taxes finished for some time, I still haven't put them in the mail - this is a true example of my "deadline" focused personality.

Until a thing is due, I don't worry about.

I suppose I should learn to capitalize on this personality trait and create a true deadline for all the goals I create for myself.

Thursday, April 13, 2006



It's going to be 85 today - is that for real? Yoo Hoo! Time to get some sun. No painting today after all, why stay cooped up inside painting the walls when I can take advantage of the sunny warm day instead.

The count down is on...April 22-28 is National Turn off TV week and I'm already looking forward to it. I mean, I am the first to admit that I am an addict. I am a tvholic. If it's on, I watch it. Once I take in that first show of the day, I can't stop watching, and before I know it a whole evening is blown.

I play the addicts game, I bargain. I tell myself I won't turn the thing on until a certain time at night and most of the time I make it, but somedays I slip.

It really depends on stress, a hard day will certainly mean I hit the button early.

The good thing is I don't live with other addicts, so on good days when it isn't on, no one freaks out and because they know I am an addict they do their best to not turn it on early in the day.

Except on weekends, weekends are always the hardest...
that's when I really have to fight for control...that's when the binging happens.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Music and Moods

Yesterday was a good day, I accomplished a lot, had a great family dinner with plenty of conversation ranging from the politcal, the spritual, and the everyday - my how my boys have grown, they are really becoming strong independent thinkers.

I awoke to the blaring sound of Bruce Springsteen my hubby's chosen workout partner for the morning. I came down for coffee and was happily greeted by an inviting home, unlike yesterday, and that was an added bonus to a good-morning feeling. I read the paper with my first cup. The headlines should have been enough to depress me; poverty increasing, babysitter charged with murder of 5 month-old, rapper gunned down but Bruce helped keep me feeling up.

Now with the paper read, Bruce is done, and I am ready to take on the day...a day of homework, home work, and I just have to figure out who will be my musical muse for the day. I'll start with some Wallflowers, some Donna De Lory perhaps, the soundtrack to Rent, Aretha would be good...

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Morning Coffee Blues

When I was running a business I used to tell clients that our homes are a reflection of what is happening to us is an outward display of how we are feeling and what we are thinking - this morning as I came down the stairs and looked at my home, the one I didn't tend to last night, the one I've been neglecting slightly and I asked myself what does my home say about me? What word, if any sums up, how I am feeling and or what I am thinking?

Confused. Perhaps confused would be a good word, I have three rooms in various stages of painting, homeschooling supplies (books, musical intraments, notepads, highlighters, pens...etc.) half hazardly strewn and piled about and supplies purchased on yesterday's errands still waiting to be put hard would it have been to put them away? How hard would it have been to straighten up after yesterday's studies? Why didn't I just do it then?

I've always loved walking into a fresh clean kitchen in the morning to make my coffee...but this morning I was greeted with a sink full of dirty pots and pans, crumbing counters, and groceries that weren't put away. What is wrong with me? that a better word?



Yep, that's it, that is what my home says about me...I am unmotivated. What reason did I have to finish putting away my supplies and groceries yesterday? What reason did I have to put away the school supplies? I used to be motivated to do a lot of things...I used to exercise, I used to work, I used to have book club meetings, success team meetings, parties...I used to...

So, now the question for me...what can I do to get motivated?

Monday, April 10, 2006

Entering a New Path to A Flat World

Hello fellow Bloggers from DU's Women's College Intro to Computing Class...I look forward to our journey as we explore our ever widening flat world.