Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Music and Moods

Yesterday was a good day, I accomplished a lot, had a great family dinner with plenty of conversation ranging from the politcal, the spritual, and the everyday - my how my boys have grown, they are really becoming strong independent thinkers.

I awoke to the blaring sound of Bruce Springsteen my hubby's chosen workout partner for the morning. I came down for coffee and was happily greeted by an inviting home, unlike yesterday, and that was an added bonus to a good-morning feeling. I read the paper with my first cup. The headlines should have been enough to depress me; poverty increasing, babysitter charged with murder of 5 month-old, rapper gunned down but Bruce helped keep me feeling up.

Now with the paper read, Bruce is done, and I am ready to take on the day...a day of homework, home work, and I just have to figure out who will be my musical muse for the day. I'll start with some Wallflowers, some Donna De Lory perhaps, the soundtrack to Rent, Aretha would be good...

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