Sunday, December 12, 2010


Today's Happiness Quota: 8 – fun, productive weekend – always makes it easy to enjoy life!
Today's Happiness Quote: by Albert Einstein “There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle”
Today's thoughts: I am humbled and blessed that my life is the result of so many miracles. I came across a list of miracles that I started some time ago, probably the result of some journal suggestion, and it was certainly a pleasant find. So often I discover that the power of journal writing is two fold. Initially it helps clear the chaos that runs through your mind on any given day and then later it offers prospective, on life, on memories, on processes, and it helps to remember that everything becomes a memory and fades in time, the good and the bad. Which means it helps to cherish the good while you can and endure the bad when necessary.

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