Today's Writing Quota (What I Plan to Do): 1000
Yesterday’s Quota (What I did): 1114
Today's Writer’s Quote: “Write without pay until somebody offers to pay” Mark Twain
Today's Thoughts:
I am finding the hardest thing about being a writer is developing a schedule for writing and sticking to it. I think I miss having to be to work by a certain time, knowing what daily tasks I needed to get done while being able to interact with people and collaborate. It seemed I was able to accomplish so much in a day. Now, although I am getting a lot of things done, it doesn’t have an effect on others. No one would be upset or affected negatively if I don’t work. I mean let's face it, working on a novel doesn’t impact a single life but my own. When I am done working, I concentrate on school, which means I am spending time again not impacting a single soul but my own. I think this is why I can be distracted when my family calls. They need something – I am eager to help.
But even with the distractions, I am meeting my writing goals. I can write in the morning, in the evening, in the middle of the night, I have no set time to “be in the office” so I can work anytime in a 24 hour period. Maybe my ability to meet my goals with all the distractions means I need to up the ante on those goals. Or I need to be less willing to reset the goals. I allowed myself time off for mourning and then spent a week getting back on track with school and home and set low writing goals to pace myself and allow enough time to do good work. Then, just as I was ready to take off again and set the bar high, Phil and I awoke to a phone call at 5:30, which meant we were about to receive bad news - what other kind of news comes at that time of the morning?
Our eldest had been in a one vehicle accident. (The road was an ice rink in -180 weather conditions). He was fine. His truck was not. I spent two days helping him get back on track, working with adjustors, getting him to work and home again. I didn’t mind the distraction, I was too grateful that he was okay and needed nothing more than a visit to Alison, an amazing muscle activation therapist. (Tangent: I highly recommend muscle activation therapy MAT to keep the human body pain free and working properly). Anyway, the distraction was not unwelcomed, looking at the condition of his truck – well, I don’t even want to go there.
Maybe, instead of worrying that meeting my writing goals is a bad thing I need to expand them. Now that I am back working full steam, I realize I haven’t blogged in over a month on this site and almost two weeks on my other site and I need to include my blogs in my writing goals. I think as a writer, I really should develop a good blogging habit.
Anyway, soon, I will be done with the novel, done with classes, graduated, and I will be back in the swing of things with a “real” job, working with people, collaborating, meeting numerous deadlines, and longing for time to write.
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