Tuesday, August 02, 2011

June - a month of amazement

Apparently, I am blogging about once a month. Oh to blog and only blog, no actually, I am so very excited that I am finishing up my degree. I am working on the final project initial draft due July 18th - revisions due by July 28 and then it's time to graduate! August 2011. I began this journey in 2001 with two amazing classes: ADM 1500 (a personal and professional development class) worked my way through the writing certficate by 2003, the BA by 2008 (still proud of that whole Magna Cum Laude status) in 2009 I entered the graduate course...wow! All the time, all the homework, all the papers, the laughter, the kinship, relationships...I am just about the luckiest woman alive. If, that is you think, luck has anything to do with this.

I am also plowing along on the fiction book - maybe I'll hit the half way mark by August as well.

The non-fiction book proposal couldn't have worked out better. I have a great feeling about that one.

Life is good!

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